
Matua Winery E-learning Video

Client: Matua Winery


Completed: October 2022

Matua, like many wineries and vineyards, wanted to streamline their onboarding process. During harvest every year they train a large number of new staff and contractors. Running this training in person can be costly and time consuming. So we offered an online training solution that would help them reduce costs and minimise health and safety risks.

The content gives participants a solid understand of the winemaking process in its entirety, not just the specific part of the process they themselves are involved with. The platform acts as a valuable resource, always available to staff to refer back to.

In the background the 360nz team, alongside Joaco Bonet, had been developing a subsidiary company, Wine Training. Visit the website winetraining.nz.


E-Learning System Development


E-Learning Content Creation


Educational Video Production


Aerial Imagery

About Matua

Makers of New Zealand’s first Sauvignon Blanc in 1974, Matua is still going strong producing quality wines which are enjoyed here in Aotearoa and around the world.