
QLDC Lakeview Deconstruction Film

Client: Queenstown Lakes District Council


Completed: February 2021

Queenstown Lakes District Council approached us to create a documentary-style short film to showcase their waste minimisation initiatives for the Lakeview Development project in central Queenstown.

The shoot required a specific schedule over a one month period to work in with the key presenters. The main purpose of the film was reporting to stakeholders and other councils.


Pre Production Planning & Storyboarding


Aerial & Time Lapse Filming


Interview/Dialog Capture


Post Production Editing

About Lakeview Development

The deconstruction phase of the Lakeview Development presented an opportunity for QLDC to demonstrate leadership in minimising waste during a major project. By incorporating clear waste minimisation objectives into the tender process and selecting an experienced contractor able to deliver on these objectives, the project has resulted in over 86% of material diverted from landfill through reuse and recycling initiatives – an outstanding result and a story worth telling.

“It was an absolute pleasure working with Keith and Richie from 360 New Zealand on the production of the Lakeview Deconstruction video.

These guys are highly professional, experienced, organised, creative, and their proactive approach allowed for the capture of come great footage to support our key messages.

They really took on board what we wanted to achieve and helped guide the project by making some fantastic suggestions prior to filming, on-set, and with the video editing. The final output exceeded our expectations and has been a real asset for Council to use in conversations with the industry.

I would certainly recommend the 360 New Zealand team.”

Kath Buttar

Waste Minimisation Project Officer, QLDC