
Regional Council Recycling Videos

Clients: Queenstown Lakes District Council & Central Otago District Council


Completed: September 2021

Queenstown Lakes District Council and Central Otago District Council decided to work together, contracting 360nz to shoot two kerbside recycling videos with the same goal: to educate residents on what can and can’t be recycled in the yellow bins.

As the two councils share the same MRF processing facility, it was possible for them to split some of the costs for the shoot, making the end result more cost-effective.

Each of the videos had very similar messaging but two very different approaches. Both versions were fun in their own ways, using local personalities to present to camera.


Pre Production Planning & Storyboarding


Aerial Filming


Dialog/Sound Capture


Post Production Editing

About Councils Kerbside Recycling

Both CODC and QLDC have a vision to become zero waste councils. Kerbside recycling is a BIG part of this vision. Mixed recycling (the yellow bins) has some fundamental challenges with what materials can and can’t be recycling, and how residents use this service.