
Viking RoofSpec Time Lapse

Client: Viking RoofSpec


Completed: April 2016

Viking Roofspec approached us initially to shoot some aerial image content. After a quick turnaround job in Queenstown, they decided to contract us for a larger time lapse shoot in Wanaka.

Viking Roofspec had a new style of roofing they were installing at a Wanaka residential property, with the help of local contractors Watertight Solutions. Their goal was to time lapse the roof installation from multiple angles, with the aim of creating a piece of marketing marketing as well as a instructional-style video.

The finished product was showcased at a conference they held in Fiji, attended by Viking’s contractors from around New Zealand. Watch the video here…


Time Lapse Filming & Processing


Aerial Filming & Photography


Post Production Editing

About Viking RoofSpec

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality roofing and waterproofing materials. Whether it’s a home or commercial building, Viking’s roofing, decking and below-ground waterproofing systems, keep water out and ensure it stays out for good.

“At Viking Roofspec we wanted to create a time lapse video to show architects, developers and builders how easy our WarmSpan roofing system was to install. We were just about to start a project with our Applicator, Watertight Systems, so we commissioned the team at 360 to create the video for us. Keith and the team produced an outstanding video, supported with images. The video has been used extensively in our business – it is such a great tool for showing the key advantages of WarmSpan and how easy it is to install. It has lead to specifications for the product and enhanced our brand image with key architects.

Keith was outstanding to work with, taking care of all the details from creative design, to managing delays and then the ongoing support to produce a top class video. We are keen to do complete this type of work again and would have no hesitation working with 360 New Zealand again.”

Jane Waddel

Marketing Manager, Viking Roofspec