
You’ve made the decision to use aerial imagery within your project. Now the question is who to hire.

Here are some key areas to consider when using an UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) as part of your project…

1. Aviation Licensing

When you’re choosing to use a professional drone operator, there are essentially three different levels of licensing they may be operating under:
i. Wings Badge – hobbyist (operating under Part 101)
ii. UAS Pilot Certificate (Part 141)
iii. Part 102 operator

An operator who has a “Wings Badge” is essentially saying that he or she knows how to fly a drone and is aware of the laws they should abide by. An operator with a UAS Pilot Certificate (Part 141) has completed a more comprehensive training around laws, bylaws and other regulations, and has proven their knowledge and skill to a certifying body. These operators can fly within 4kms of an aerodrome but must seek permission first. A Part 102 Operator is more focused around agricultural, search and rescue, night operations, and typically involves operating a UAV weighing between 15-25kg. They have the legal standing to operate in a wider variety of circumstances and frequently work as pilots in the aviation industry.

Appropriate training is required in any profession. When it comes to flying our cameras over public or private land, safety is our number one priority. Our operators have been trained and assessed by a CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) approved organisation operating with our UAS Pilot Certificate.

2. Liability Insurance

Imagine the worst case scenario! A member of public at your venue becomes seriously injured from a drone operator contracted by your company. Are they covered? Or will this get both your business and the operator into a lengthy set of legal proceedings? Bottom line… check that ANY operator you contract has their own liability insurance.

Here at 360nz, we choose to stay covered. $5 million covered! We take every precaution based around our safety plan and are proud to say we have a 100% safety record.

3. Portfolio

Everyone has a track record. Your drone operator needs to shoot the right content so that it can be seamlessly edited into the overall video or used within your other marketing endeavours. They need to shoot and deliver the level of service you require, so go through their portfolio in detail looking for similar environments and standards to which your project will be shot.

We have had the fortune of shooting in a variety of areas, temperatures, altitudes and pressured situations since 2014. Check out some of our work here.

4. Equipment

Poor workers blame their tools right? Well in this case it’s fully justifiable. Always ask your potential aerial operator what drone they are using and what camera it has attached. Google the names and make sure it is not $199 toy!

Furthermore, it isn’t just the standard of equipment itself, but how the equipment is used, maintained and updated. Ask to see their maintenance record if you have concerns.

We choose to use DJI products and we service our tools regularly. Our equipment is registered each time we file a flight with the relevant authorities and we take this process seriously.

5. The Right Fit

As with any new member of your team, there has to be an open and easy line of communication with standards similar to your own. Do they understand your vision? Are they able to give the level of creative contribution that you require?

The core team at 360nz have a background in coaching and education, so communication is important to us. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason, and we take the time to listen to your needs and fulfil them.

We make a concerted effort to make sure we capture angles that resonate with your vision and the directive.