
Filming & Videography

A picture is worth a thousand words. Video? Priceless!

We believe in creating quality content which solves problems for our clients. Including impactful photos, video and time lapses in your website, social media presence and marketing materials speaks to your audience at an emotional level. Our purpose-driven videography will visually stimulate your customers and inspire them into action.

The 360nz team are passionate about creating videos that tell stories and deliver key messages. Educational video series are our speciality and we have the ability to shoot from a wide variety of angles including underwater, time lapse and aerial (as licensed drone operators).

We are passionate about capturing the everyday and making it extraordinary.


Purpose-driven videography


Videos & time lapses that tell stories


Educational & Resource Video Series


Licensed drone operators


Professional 4K time lapses


Underwater Filming


Action sports & landscape photography


Post production editing

Resource Video Series

We create resource videos which are ideal for inclusion in online educational material and E-learning platforms. Check out this 7-part series produced for Drowning Prevention Auckland.

Read the full portfolio write-up here.

Purposeful Time Lapse

This time lapse production was shot for Viking RoofSpec to show their stakeholders the installation process. Take a moment to read about the project and their glowing testimonial.

View the portfolio write-up here.

360nz on Vimeo

Our video library on Vimeo is extensive and showcases our most recent productions, including aerial filming and time lapse work, and a selection of passion projects.

Check us out on Vimeo here.

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    Services you are interested in:
    360 Degree ImageryE-Learning SolutionsPhoto & Video ServicesWeb Design & Comms