Thinking about shifting your in-person health and safety training to online delivery?
If you answered yes, then it’s worth noting that there are different online H&S training platform options. The best one for you will depend on the type and complexity of the training you need to deliver to your employees and contractors. Below we discuss off the shelf and custom health and safety e-learning options.
When we talk about health and safety training, we’re referring to the knowledge and skills that all staff must have to work safely in your workplace, as opposed to health and safety specific roles.
Off the shelf
Off the shelf online solutions for H&S training cover standard health and safety information. This is often industry-specific, but not necessarily location or site-specific. At a minimum they will ensure that your online employee H&S training complies with New Zealand legal requirements under the Health and Safety At Work Act 2015.
Organisations pick modules from the platform that cover a range of standardised topics, targeted at the type of work or worker (e.g. management, employees, or industry. These usually include overall Health and Safety as well as the common risks for the specific industry.
Customised solutions allow you to keep the individual nature of the content of your course and tailor it to the e-learning environment. Suppliers may offer a range of options, starting from limited customisation tailoring common elements to your needs, to a fully bespoke platform created for you.
You choose what is included and can go further than the industry wide information, detailing site specific risks and safety practices. It can be done in a way that compliments and strengthens the culture of your organisation.
Does your organisation operate in a challenging, difficult to access, or constantly changing environment?
If so, then your in-person health and safety training will likely already be incredibly robust. It will also very likely be quite unique to your organisation. When you decide to move your H&S training online you’ll need to ensure that you continue to cover all the intricacies of your specific environment. For this you should be looking at a custom solution. Check out our blog on choosing an e-learning supplier to help you make the decision on who to work with.
If not, and your industry has a fairly standardised set of health and safety requirements, then an off-the-shelf solution could work. There are various providers out there at the end of an internet search. Or better yet, get a recommendation from someone within a similar organisation.
Here at 360 New Zealand Ltd, we offer a range of custom online Health and Safety Training solutions. We make it simple to move your training into the e-learning space.
Read about our Safety360 online H&S Training options.
If you’d like to find out more about making your H&S training mobile and cost effective, please contact us today.