E-learning has many benefits. We talked about some of them in this article about how e-learning can help your organisation. We’ll now zoom in a little to look at Health and Safety Training in particular.
Every organisation delivers some kind of Health and Safety training programme. Depending on the industry and nature of work, many need to repeat the process regularly. Here we look at two big reasons to move your in-person H&S training to online delivery.

Any Place, Any Time.
To train your staff on the health and safety requirements for your specific site, you need them on site, right?
Not necessarily. With the right online training platform you can train anyone at any time. You can cater to their individual requirements based on their individual role and place of work.
You’ve probably run some kind of safety training with your team for years. Usually you’d arrange a time for a group to gather with at least one team member, or presenter, so that they can show them through the ins and outs of risk management at your organisation. Think groups of new staff, or employees up-skilling in a particular area of the operation.
Cost effectiveness.
It’s common for there to be significant set-up involved for each training session. This is particularly true where plant and machinery, or natural environmental conditions come into play. Agriculture, manufacturing, forestry and adventure pursuits come to mind.
Creating an integrated and engaging e-Learning programme means that you can deliver this training any time and as many times as you need to with only the initial location setup, team member input and initial outlay for the e-learning platform. After that health and safety training becomes more and more cost effective.
The 360nz team are involved in and work with numerous industries where health and safety are at the fore, because of the environment in which the organisation is based. Our commitment to health and safety and respect for our natural environment enables us to come home safely to our families every day, no matter what adventures we’ve been on. We share this passion with the companies we work with in our business lives too.
Read about our Safety360 online H&S Training options in this blog.
If you’re serious about keeping your people safe and want to find out how you could introduce a cost effective health and safety e-learning programme, give us a call.