
Already Ancient Aotearoa Website

Client: Already Ancient Aotearoa


Completed: December 2020

Already Ancient asked us to help them put together their first website with e-commerce capabilities and a variety of imagery solutions. It’s always nice to work with locals when we can!

We built the site on WordPress with Woocommerce, knowing that it would be simple for the client to manage and customisable enough for us to achieve our design goals.

Not only did we create the Already Ancient website, but we provided a continuous stream of advice and strategy around the use of digital media. This included creating a video background on the About page.


Web Design & Hosting


Information Architecture




Video Background

About Already Ancient Aotearoa

Already Ancient carve one-off, truly unique items of jewellery and sculpture. They strive to capture and enhance the natural beauty of their materials, using stories to encapsulate the depth of each individual piece.

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