
First Training E-learning

Client: First Training


Completed: August 2022

First Training approached us after seeing another of our e-learning platforms. They needed to be able to pre-load the first-aid training course participants with information prior to them arriving onsite for assessment. This allows greater flexibility for their course participants and made a fantastic resource and opportunity for schools to include first aid training in their offerings.

First we filmed a series of educational videos to sit within the platform, then we worked with the team to adapt their existing workplace first aid pre-course training materials to sit comfortably online, in easily digestible chunks.

We subsequently returned to re-shoot some existing video content.


E-Learning System Development


E-Learning Content Creation


Educational Video Production

About First Training

First Training teaches people to save lives in a fun and interactive environment. They offer a variety of first aid courses around New Zealand, educating via hands on scenarios simulating real life situations.

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